Venus Envy (Gold)

Venus Envy (Gold)
The Venus of Willendorf, discovered in 1908 in Willendorf Austria, is estimated to be created about 30,000,000 BCE as a FERTILITY GODDESS. Archeologists believe that she was held in the palm of the hand or put in a pocket. For Elizabeth, this icon of prehistory is not only sacred as a representation of historic human development, but because she a symbol for the place of pure potentiality within all of us. As a play on the Freudian Term “Penis Envy” We affectionately call her Venus Envy as she is a symbol for all that is possible. Quite the enviable quality indeed. Elizabeth makes these forms form both clay and brass as a reminder that there is fertile ground in all of us just waiting to be explored and tapped into. We challenge you to go and find it!